Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Bloggy advent calendar DAY 7

Oh I'm such a lucky girl. My friend Dianna had a garage sale recently and sent me a text asking if I'd like a box of trims her mum had given her that Dianna hadn't used, and if I didn't want them she'd put them in the garage sale. Well I didn't read her text till AFTER the garage sale and was SO happy that she'd put them aside for me, just in case. Thank you Dianna! Want to see all the goodies? Oh it was SO exciting opening this box! By the way, what do you think was originally in this box? It says GE (General Electric) Heiress.

Just like Christmas! The colourful woven patterns are my favourites. Most are from the seventies and they were wound around pieces of cereal box packaging with "Use by Dec 1978" etc on them. LOL

I wanted to make something for Dianna and her mum to say thank you and made them each one of these, using only the trims they gave me (plus felt for the back). I also made one for myself. :)

And I've already used some of the broderie anglaise trim on my Christmas cards. YAY!


Charlotte said...

LOVE THE TREE!! And LOVE THE TRIMS!! they are oh so beautiful! Genuine vintage & in great condition too! So lovely of Dianna to keep them for you! I reckon the box had a hair dryer or hot rollers in it. Something like that :)

Lotti said...

How great was this find. It was a hair dryer I'm guessing ... I'm sure I've seen one of these before. How nice of your friend to keep them for you .... awesome

Anonymous said...

I agree with Charlotte, I would have said Hair Dryer in the GE box.
I LOVE for Chrissy trees, perfect combination of trims, looks very Scandinavian.... I am sure they will love their little thank you gifts and glad you kept one yourself. aaj

Lea said...

Oh you know how much I loved the box of trims. Lucky, lucky you. Your tree is beautiful! No doubt they will be very well received:)

LauraJane:) said...

OH you LUCKY fortunate girl!!!!
to have a friend who is so thoughtful...PRICELESS
The tree ornament you make is SWEET!

nicole said...

oh my goodness! so many trims!!!

Anonymous said...

THESE ARE FANTASTIC! And I agree, hairdryer.