Thursday, September 09, 2010

Swan Lake on Ice

Today Tassy had the day off school and I had the day off work to see SWAN LAKE ON ICE! We didn't really know the story so I had to look it up online beforehand so we knew what was going on, LOL. It was fantastic! We went with our friends Jodie, Tess and Abbey and enjoyed munchies at the cupcake shop beforehand. :) Our favourite parts were the ring of fire and the grand finale. I'm so lame, I always get emotional at the end! Oh, and the male and female lead were the same as the leads in Cinderella on Ice which we saw two years ago!
ha ha, I just noticed you can see Jodie's and my reflections in this photo


Sheree said...

Oh Yvette it looks lovely! I can't wait to take Madi to shows like these when she gets a bit older. So glad you enjoyed it!

Sheree xx

Felicity said...

It looks beautiful! :-) Glad you had a nice day.

Lea said...

it looks wonderful, how lovely to do these special things togethe.