Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Patisserie heaven

I went wedding dress shopping with my friend Catherine today and as we were walking back to the car a truck drove past with the signage "The Flute Bakery/Patisserie". I'm hugely attracted to the word patisserie so we tracked down the place and OH MY GOODNESS! It was heaven! H.E.A.V.E.N.! I can't believe this place has been around for over 5 years and I'd never heard of it! And it was totally buzzing, in the heart of the industrial area and all. We ordered a little sample plate to share, plus a mousse brownie to share and I bought two things to take away too. Here's one of the beauties I brought home.If you're a Canberra local you must check it out! And if you already knew about it... howcome I didn't?!!

On the scrapbooking front... I've been doing lots of samples for new classes at Kim Archer's Workshops@Home. Kim's new class Stitch a Pocket has just opened and here's a little peak at my sample.Mel Nunn has brought us a huge range of projects in her class called You:2010. Mel's class focuses on getting more of YOU into your scrapbooks and there are heaps of ideas there to keep you busy and inspired! Here are snippets of two of the samples I did for Mel's workshop.


Anonymous said...

No - I hadn't heard of The Flute until you mentioned it. I love the word Patisserie too!
But after seeing photos of myself at my party I am staying away for a while.
(There is something to be said for being behind the camera.)

Sheree said...

YUM!!! Oh my..that looks SO delicious!!!

Loving those sneak peeks!

Sheree xx

Nerrida said...

Love your work - it all comes together so perfectly - your obviously very good with colour combinations.