Friday, July 23, 2010


I think this might be my new favourite layout! I love the white and cream on kraft with splashes of bright colours. And isn't the Hambly frame gorgeous! I know it's old stock (like pretty much everything of mine - I'm not really up with the new stuff) but I love it!

Ah this little story... She made me laugh. What could I say?!


Lea said...

i love this lo too. i love the paper lace up top and the hambly screen and the feather, lots of cuteness and a gorgeous photo of tassy-her eyes are so beautiful-what a cheeky piece tho:)

Felicity said...

Oh, thats SO funny!! Least she's honest!! LOL! :-) Gorgeous and very pouty photo of Tassy. Imagine what she'll be like at 16!!

Sheree said...

Oooh LOVE how you've put this together Yvette...gorgeous!!! Love the journalling too. LOL Just look at those stunning blue eyes of hers!

Sheree xx

Charlotte said...

LOL! She did get you there!

I love the Kraft with those bright colours too, it looks awesome! Love this LO!

WV: pridio
Well Fliss, I think Tassy is just gonna get pridio and pridio as she grows up!