Wednesday, January 08, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday

I bought TWO red dresses from Modcloth.  It was good timing to get them both just before Christmas!  I wore this one 5 times in less than two weeks, but I figured that was OK cos I had a different audience each time.  :) 

Dress - Modcloth
Necklace - Mimco

Shoes - ASOS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a red dress similar to yours when Jarrod was a baby and I wore it to a Christmas party and one fellow said to Daryl "I didn't know you were married to a school girl". I made a second dress in brown plaid and loved it even more. Will see if I can dig out a photo. I love that style. Keep up the great dressmaking. Grandma Grace would be so proud of you... I am too.... love AAJ