Saturday, June 11, 2011

What to read?

Deciding what to read next...

I usually have an idea of what I'd like to read next. This year I've joined a Book Club so I'd normally read a Book Club book next, except that I'm not interested in reading the brick of a book that's our current read (Shantaram), and I have to borrow the next book (The Book Thief) from a friend, which I haven't done yet.

I've just finished reading The Secret Lives of Dresses which was lovely. I wish we had a shop like that in Canberra. I'm so inspired to wear 50s day dresses now! Before that I read The Secret Life of Bees. Bizarre - it was a total coincidence that I read those two back to back! And for the record, they don't share a secret life.

So I'm looking at my big pile of books waiting to be read...

All of these books I either received as a gift or I bought at an Op Shop. So I'd love to know which book you'd choose next from this pile. Any you're keen to read, or have already read?

This is what's in the pile...

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl who Played with Fire
The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
The Man in the Iron Mask
The Murrumbidgee Kid
Vanity Fair
Murder on the Orient Express
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
The Bridges of Madison County
Like Water for Chocolate
The Phantom of the Opera
The Lovely Bones
The Da Vinci Code
The Distant Hours
Sherlock Holmes
Great Horror Stories

Sherlock Holmes is huge - the complete works, novels and short stories. I usually read one of the short stories between books so I am slowly getting thru that one. I love Sherlock Holmes.

Great Horror Stories are short stories too, reprinted from a 1936 book. Tassy and I have read a few of them together, they're not scary and so far are all a bit disappointing!

So, what do you think I should read next?


Charlotte said...

Throw them all on the floor and the one that lands with a page open is the one you should start reading. It's the scientific way to decide what to read next! LOL!


Mardi said...

Well I love books....although I rarely make time to read.
I have read The Da Vinci code and loved it.....I also began The girl with the dragon tatoo....but couldn't get into it.....but from what I've heard from others it does eventually fall into place and is well worth the perseverance.
My ALL TIME favourites are the Ken Follett Pillars of the Earth series....and another really great read that stuck in my heart for ever was "The Swim Club" by Anne de Lisle....oh and I Love Charlotte scientific book choosing method...I could just imagine me though.....the dropped book would be open....and it wouldn't be the one I wanted Id re drop for another choice.....and then another

Anonymous said...

I vote for Cloudstreet. Or The Lovely Bones. I know you picked Like Water for Chocolate and I think that sounds interesting!
Don't bother with The Da Vinci Code till just yet (in my opinion).
Moi x